
Chad Nierenhausen

Professional Developer, Amateur Chef, Aspiring Maker

About this Blog - Part 1

Jekyll About a year ago I learned about Static Site Generators, systems that allow website developers to use templates, partials, data structures, and control flow statements to build websites, but don’t require a database backend. There is a build step that compiles all of the templates into simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. Octopress was the first generator that I got excited about, but by the time I got around to actually building this site Octopress was smack in the middle of moving to version 3.

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Hello World

This is the start to my blogging journey. My intent is to use this as a place to post about the things I am working on, both to possibly help others out there on the internets, and to help future me when I run into a problem that I solved before, but have since forgotten what the solution was. For my initial post, and to test the syntax highlighter, I want to post two little scripts I wrote to rig the results of a Kickball Prom King and Queen voting campaign.

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