
Chad Nierenhausen

Technology Leader, Developer, Amateur Chef, Aspiring Maker

SANS Holiday Hack Challenge

At the end of each year SANS hosts their renowned Holiday Hack Challenge competition which they describe as “the most festive and challenging event of the year!”. I decided to participate this year and I got a nifty badge to show for it.

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Can't Fuck It Up Koji Fried Chicken

The bio line on the homepage says that I’m a “Professional Developer, Amateur Chef, and Aspiring Maker”. All of my posts thus far have been about development, today we are going to change that and write about the second thing on that list.

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Big Changes

One of the main reasons I started this blog, was to give me a place that I could use an excuse to experiment with new things that I found interesting. True to that goal I have spent some time over that last week completely modifying the underlying structure and technologies that I use to author and host this blog. Here is a quick rundown of some of the changes.

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(Super) Dedup-er

I was recently asked to use JavaScript to solve the following problem:

Given an unsorted list of email addresses, write a function to remove all duplicates while maintaining the original ordering of the list. The solution should be able to run in well under a second on and list of 100,000 items with up to 50% duplication in the list.

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A Vagrant Built My Homework

The Problem

This semester I am taking the Principals of Operating Systems course at the University of Arizona. In this class, students write a layered operating system that runs on top of an instructor-provided hardware abstraction called USLOSS. Students are given USLOSS as a compiled library that was built using the department’s Remote Access machine Lectura, which is currently running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. My instructor also offers a compiled version of the USLOSS library for Mac computers.

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